Scientists from TPU's Heat and Mass Transfer Laboratory, in collaboration with their colleagues, have been conducting ...
The results of the first popular tower construction championship, the Nikitin Engineering Cup held at Tomsk Polytechnic ...
September 16, the 9th International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2024) has kicked off in Tomsk.
Tomsk Polytechnic University will host a Young Scholar Science School “Pulsed Accelerators as a Tool for Innovative ...
Scientists from TPU's Engineering School of Non-Destructive Testing in collaboration with colleagues from Belarus have first ...
In early September, Tomsk Polytechnic University traditionally welcomes its first-year students. Those who, starting from this academic year, will be referred to as students of one of top engineering ...
Стартап-лаборатория «Б51» Томского политеха объявляет набор в новый предпринимательский акселератор для начинающих ...
Студенты Томского политехнического университета с 23 сентября по 10 октября смогут пройти вакцинацию от гриппа в общежитиях ...