Is it Fortnite armor in Destiny or Destiny armor in Fortnite? The answer is probably both, but thanks to toda... Since its launch in December 2023, the LEGO Fortnite game mode has offered one of the ...
Final Fantasy XIV’s latest expansion, Endwalker, has been out for some time, but you might still be working your way through the main scenario quests. Maybe you started at launch and got ...
When Destiny 2: The Final Shape launches in June, it will introduce a brand-new subclass unlike anything before it. Whereas each previous subclass incorporates specific elemental energies associated w ...
A reagent crafted to satisfy the discerning eye of an avid collector. Though this powder can supposedly resist formidable magicks and repel otherworldly flares, it can also be imbibed to reduce bouts ...
A pair of corrective glasses crafted to accommodate for J'khebica's failing eyesight. Available for Purchase with gil No Attributes ...
An interior wall recreated from the memory of a city long since destroyed. Available for Purchase with gil No Sells for 150 gil ...
How to interpret the Lost Prophecies? The theory in vogue right now with the Followers of Osiris is that the first five verses refer to the Black Garden, the coming of Ghaul, the Traveler's awakening ...
The billowing wind-aspected aether that surrounds this branch might lead some to think it would be the ideal material from which to make a magic wand. Unfortunately, the energies within it are so ...
A soft-bodied mollusk found in the ocean waters of Elysion. ※Only for use in Omicron tribal quests. ※Not included in the fish guide.
The vibrant vines curling about this marble-like pillar have been treated with elemental magicks so that they require no water, never brown, and never grow.
The Vanu Vanu will oft use these large seeds in the creation of sacred ornaments, or even armor.
The modification component that you hope will make Harig's lute sing as it once did. Available for Purchase with gil No Attributes ...