A serious theft of a curious kind will be the subject of a court case in Salzburg: according to the indictment, an ...
30 trees currently have to be felled in the city center. They have succumbed to their "burn wounds". The district calls for ...
Like so many talented youngsters, the musical career of Maibritt, the "Voice of Marchfeld", began abroad: she impressed ...
Cycling is better for the climate than accelerating - everyone in Upper Austria agrees on this. The RadFahr advisory service ...
The decisive factor is a skirmish in the last session of parliament. It is not the already very critical citizens who are ...
The fact that the global climate strike is taking place after our flood disaster is pure coincidence. Thousands protested ...
Basketball star Joel Embiid has signed a three-year contract with his NBA team, the Philadelphia 76ers, for 193 million ...
On Thursday afternoon, a client (36) threatened the deputy department head of the AMS in Gmunden with a knife because he ...
While Poland is still on flood alert, the German state of Brandenburg is now also preparing for a serious situation in the ...
After the comparison of when you are considered a high earner with an apprenticeship, now the salary check for academics: At ...
From pensioners to authorized signatories, from entrepreneurs to weapons experts: more than 70 sympathizers of the "Federal ...
Armed with a kitchen knife, three young men wanted to rob a nightclub in Graz - but nothing came of it. As reported, the ...